Friday, September 12, 2008

Introduction to Photoshop

What is Photoshop? Adobe Photoshop is a professional image editing software.

About the work area.

Menu Bar this is where you can acess most of the feature and commands in Photoshop. It is located at the very top of Photoshop.

Option Bar displays your tool options . It changes as different tools are selected.

Tool contains all your tools. They are used for crrating and editing images.

Palettes to monitor and modify images. There are 5 paletts by defult.

Stage/Canvas where the image being worked on will appear.

Layers The layers window shows the various ways to select and images is made up of.

Selecion There are serveral ways to select images or portins of images in Photoshop. Here is one basic method tp do so. Adding to a Selection and makind a square.

1. Use the rectangular selection tool to select the area to be worked on.
2. To add a selection, hold shoft before dragging.
3. To make the selsection exactly square, start ragging, then hld shift.
4. You can press ctrl + d to deslect and remove the selection at anytime.

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